Problems Don’t Need Problems

Adding problems to problems doesn't lead to solutions, it leads to spirals. 

How do you put out a fire? With more fire? Or water?

If a person’s coming to you for help, you help. If you can’t, don’t be that schmuck that makes it worse (or how about you just f*cking listen?).

We might feel the need to keep the conversation going when someone tells us something – sUpPoRtInG tHoUgHtS is what they called them in school?

Pro tip: Don’t point out what else can go wrong. If someone comes to you with one concern, they shouldn’t be leaving with 400 others.

Do you want to be their WebMD? Make them think it's cancer when it's really just a headache? 

“You should really get that checked out” – congratulations, you ruined their day.

Amplify an issue, you become part of it. Add enough fuel to their fire, you get burned.


When you spew out other scenarios that can go wrong – you run the risk of taking them on yourself.

It started with one person and THEIR problem, it’s now two people and YOUR problem.. 

Remember when you spiraled them into thinking that headache was cancer?

You planted that seed, and now it’s growing in your head. So guess what – the next time you get a headache, CaNcEr.

Quick summary: Now you're both knees deep in sh*t.

Let’s paint a picture of what happened:

Person coming to you got nothing, you have a new issue.. Now you're both on the floor in fetal position writing your last will and testament. 

If you really want to help, provide solutions – otherwise, shut the f*ck up :)

If you have problems of your own and ran out of asks, people, or your friends just suck – ask the 24helps therapist and she’ll actually give you solutions (crazy right?).


Procrastination Won


Shut Up More