Everyday You

Weekdays don’t have to suck. 

Ok ok yes, “It’s easy to say that when you don’t have to talk to people you f*cking hate 5 days a week.”

Fair. We know this is getting a little virtue signal-y – but look, we can always tell you dO sOmEtHiNg YoU eNjOy DoInG.. but for what? You already know this. 

We’re talking about making the best of what we got here, so listen up.

The problem stems from our modes – Let’s take a guess, there’s a work-you, and there’s a home-you. 

Is it safe to say that those modes are like switches?
Home-you wouldn’t DARE meet work-you? and vice versa

How’d we know..

Living a double life is exhausting. Why do you think Batman sounds the way he does?

Unless you’re Bruce Wayne, the only you there should be is you-you, at all times. That’s the f*cking dream.

So where do we start? Well, not Monday..

You ever heard someone say “I’ll start on Monday”?

Why? What’s the difference between now, a Thursday, or a Monday?

Nothing. Literally nothing. 

They’re all 24 hours long, they all start with you waking up (hopefully), and they all end with you going to sleep.

Get out of that this-day-this, that-day-that mentality. There are no rules. If this pandemic taught us anything, it’s do whatever you want, whenever you want. 

Feeling productive on a Saturday? Cool. Do some work. You don’t HAVE TO wait for Monday. 

Want to make Tuesdays leisure days? Have fun, take a longer lunch. You don’t HAVE TO wait for Sunday. 

*and if your boss is getting salty, send them our way. We’ll handle it :)

Want to go out to dinner on a Monday night? Go. You don’t HAVE TO wait for the weekend.

As long as you get what you need done, there’s no need to put pressure on what day it happens. 

Use Sundays as an example. If you spend your Sundays complaining about sUnDaY sCaRiEs – guess what?

You just killed your Sunday by stressing.

Oh, and you already set a negative presence for your Monday before it even began, so that’s going to suck too. 

That’s 2 days. 

2 days wasted on bad energy – almost 30% of your week.

See why this isn’t the way to live?

We talk about consistency a lot, and that applies here. Working full force 5 days a week and being a vegetable 2 days a week is not consistent.

Take time to work AND REST throughout all your days. Find a schedule that works for you, don’t get caught up in silly rules, and execute – trust the process.


Shut Up More


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