How To Spot a Leech


Real recognize real, leech recognize opportunity.

Blood suckers are everywhere, and they stick close to home. Trust us, New York is full of them.

We’ve all encountered leeches in our life. They’re like animorphs, they come in every form. Some mooch off your energy, some off your resources. Others do it for social status, house accounts at Cipriani – it’s a wild world out there.

Leeches are NOT a catalyst for growth. They are NOT there to help you, or make you better.

They only call you when they need to vent about their sh*tty relationship, or when they know you have the doorman connect. It’s always an ask.

Look, they don’t care – it's a one way street. 

*Reminder: Leeches are insecure. They don’t have sh*t figured out for themselves and they know it, this is why they try to benefit off of others.

Sure they’ll be nice to you, they’re not stupid – why would they want to lose you? 

Don’t let that fool you. The second you need something from them, they’re gone with the wind.

The only thing they’re good at is talking about themselves, albeit they’re full of sh*t.

They want to appeal to as many people as possible: 

More people = More blood

They’ll do what it takes, even if it means putting others down in the process. 

Let’s look at some other signs:

  • They constantly ask you for sh*t (this is given)

  • They need to one-up you whenever you tell them anything about yourself (they’re insecure, they think they’re impressing you).

  • They’re the loudest one in the room (they’re seeking attention for more people to leech off of)

  • They identify themselves with places and things, lacking a personality (again, they think they’re impressing you).

  • They’re quick to agree with you, no matter what it is (they can’t lose you, so they won’t disagree – watch out for the yes-men in your life).

Sure it’s great to help people and give opportunities, but recognize when people are taking advantage.

Relationships go both ways, there’s no excuse.

*Reminder: Speaking of relationships, please note that leeches can disguise themselves as friends, some even family – watch out.

If you think you have a leech in your life, maybe it’s time to reevaluate. Tell us about them and we’ll help you figure out what to do: (646) 328-6774.

– Your founders, Mishka Khotylev + Nikhil Dhanani :)


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