Be Lazy, It Might Help.


Make it stand out

“dOn’T bE lAzY” – no. everyone shut up. Who the f*ck wants to do more work? 

What if we told you that you can use laziness to your advantage? Yes, this is a thing.. a very real thing. 

Hear us out – isn’t the goal to get as much done by doing as little as possible? 

Something about the “Greatest result with the least amount of effort”.. Ring a bell?

Question: You live on the 10th floor, are you taking the stairs or elevator? Be real.

See where we’re going with this? Why do more work when there’s an easier way to do things? 

Is it “lazier”? Technically, yes. But who cares?

Don’t be that schmuck who takes the stairs just to prove a point. We get it bro, you’re fit.

Doing unnecessary work is unproductive – you’re wasting your energy doing more to achieve the same result.

Look, there’s a purpose to all of this; efficiency. Use what we already have to get there - the thing we're told NOT to be our whole lives – the lazy. 

See, efficiency needs laziness. So if that’s the case, why the f*ck are they telling you not to be lazy? 

a.) They’re ignorant virtue signalers.

b.) They’re missing the SeCrEt InGrEdIeNt.

So what’s missing? Drive.

Laziness without drive? Bad. Laziness with drive? Good. 

You know you have to get up to the 10th floor (this is drive), you’re just going to find an easier way to do it (this is laziness)

It’s simple math: Laziness + Drive → Efficiency


Be Selfish, Be Smart.


Get Better, Not Bitter