
Things we learned in school:

2+2 is 4..

Kids suck.

mItoChHoNdRiA iS tHe PoWeRHoUsE oF ThE cElL.

Oh and of course, the most important thing: the scientific method, AKA: F*ck Around & Find Out (FAAFO)

Incase you forgot, here’s what that is:

  1. Ask a question.

  2. Do research.

  3. Make a hypothesis.

  4. Test hypothesis.

  5. Observe.

  6. Draw a conclusion.

  7. Report findings to a room of kids who don’t give a sh*t.

Why is this relevant to you? Well, it’s logic. We want logic. Logic is good.

When you apply logic in everyday life, it makes things clear. There’s no room for bullsh*t if everything’s laid out on the table. How? Let’s f*ck around and find out..

FAAFO is the scientific method – FAAFO is the method to life. You can use it as a guide to dating, starting a business, buying a dog.. whatever the f*ck.

Let’s pick dating:

“Do I like him?” – congrats, you already have step 1 done.

Now comes step 2, the research. We’re all experts at doing online background checks.

You’ve googled him – whitepages says he’s good. Now you’re looking at his tagged posts – vacation photos from 2012. You found his sister’s profile, he has a family – that must be good, right?

Time to make a hypothesis (step 3): He’s a nice guy. 

You proceed to test the hypothesis (step 4): The first date.

Ok, fast forward; They picked the place and it’s not the Olive Garden – things are good. They showered, they showed up, and they’re dressed decent. You’re now making observations (step 5). 

But hold on.. the waiter forgot the lemon in his water, here’s where things went sour (dad joke).

Your observations are NOT done: he was rude to the waiter, he made a scene, and he was a sh*tty tipper.

In conclusion (step 6), he ain’t the one.

You leave disappointed, but glad you caught on quick. Time to text the group chat and report findings (step 7)..

Apply these steps to any scenario and they work – you can’t argue science.

So.. maybe school did teach us something besides Hot Cross Buns. :)

Reminder: F*ck around and find out - you only regret sh*t you don’t do.


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