Be Selfish, Be Smart.

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It’s 2021. We see it everywhere: self-care, self-development – self-this, self-that.. SEL-FISH IS IN.

How did things get here? As kids, it was always “dOn’T bE sElfIsH”, “pUt OtHeRs fIrSt” – so when the f*ck did selfishness become the answer?

Well, when we were kids, they also told us Marilyn Manson took out a rib to.. – let’s leave it at that :)

Look, just because we were told something doesn’t make it true.  

: There also wasn’t 24helps back then – they didn’t know sh*t.

The act of being selfish is putting yourself in front of others.

The act of putting yourself in front of others is.. smart. 

Thus, being selfish is smart.

Putting YOU first allows YOU to be the best version of YOURSELF, for those around YOU. A happier YOU, means a happier THEM.

If everyone focuses on making themselves happy, everyone else will be happier as a result. 

Make sense?

Next time you’re having a rough week – f*ck everyone else. Focus on you.

Go to the gym. Get your nails done. Do what you have to do to feel like your best self. You can’t pour from an empty cup.. nobody wins.

But be careful, there’s a fine line between being selfish and being a scumbag.

You SHOULD be Selfish: Help others by helping yourself. 

Strive to be here. Negotiations 101.. creating a win-win.

Result: who’s happy? Everyone. Who’s mad? Nobody. 

You SHOULDN’T be a Scumbag: Help yourself at the EXPENSE of others.

What they told you not to do as a kid.

Result: who’s happy? You. Who’s mad? Everyone. 

Can’t decide if you’re being a scumbag or just walking the line? Text us, we’ll let you know: (646) 328-6774




Be Lazy, It Might Help.