Social Contagions


You ever get so hyped to send a meme to someone and they respond with “I saw that”?

Cool d*ck, doesn’t mean you can’t laugh twice.

We used to send chain emails to the same 13 people, 13 times a day – all to avoid getting cursed by bad luck, everything was fine.

(Today): *Sends a meme Twice* – “You sent this already”.

– What the f*ck happened!?

Let's make a timeline..

Minesweeper > Internet > AOL

Facebook > Twitter > Instagram > Snapchat > Tik Tok

Then came 2020: Stuck at home > Endless access to social media > Craving to be part of society again

– The perfect storm.

Our attachment to our phones grew stronger than ever, social media was our only method of interaction.

Here we are today, the world of 2021: Social contagions define what we eat, watch, look like, wear – even our politics (ok maybe we won’t go too far into that one).

Just because something’s a mass trend and spreading like a virus (aka Squid Game), doesn't mean it's for everybody ( – aka Squid Game).

We get it, you liked the show.

Oh, didn’t get into it? – how dare you..

Good luck with life the next few weeks; No memes for you, you no longer fit into society. Congrats on getting alienated!

Look this isn’t another one of our rants, we actually have a few words:

  • If you judge people based on what they watch (or don’t watch), you're the problem.

  • If you like something only to be a part of a conversation, maybe it's time to get your own personality.

  • If you haven't fallen victim to social peer pressure – you’re doing great.

While we’re on topic, if you’re still telling us to watch Squid Game – shut the f*ck up already.

People tHeSe DaYs stopped thinking for themselves. Their identity is based on who they follow on Instagram – things are only worth their time if they’re trending.

Reminder: Social media is opinion-based.

Do not let FOMO dictate your personality. Watch what YOU want, eat what YOU want, wear what YOU want.

Remember, sometimes the Black Sheep are the only ones telling the truth :)

Your founders,

Mishka + Nikhil


Fundamentals of Cool


Tough Talks Made Easy