Washing Dishes Made Easier


Our most important interactions are with ourselves.

The language we use is a direct reflection of how we view our life and circumstances.

We convince ourselves if something is “positive” or “negative” – how we describe our experiences is going to skew how we view them, and project them on to others.

Was it a bad date? Or was it not the right person? The difference is big..

What we say to ourselves is how we view the world. Is Jersey really THAT bad? (yes, it is).

Ditching negative self-talk allows us to view the world with a new perspective, making us so much happier to be here (we’re here, so let’s make the best of it).

Our challenges are our challenges because we make them out to be in our head.

Doubting ourselves with questions like “CaN I dO tHiS?” is going to f*ck us up. It leaves room for the possibility of not doing it, which is enough room for us to not do it.

The more we tell ourselves how challenging something is, the harder it’ll be.

Nothing is impossible, everything is doable – it’s how we view it and talk to ourselves about it that makes something seem challenging.

Think of day to day things, like housework. We procrastinate small things because we program ourselves to view them as inconvenient, when in reality they’re not.

Use washing dishes as an example..

Let’s think about why we hate washing dishes. We hate it because we set ourselves up to hate it. It's not a fun activity, we consider it a chore. 

In reality, washing dishes isn’t hard at all.

If we position it in our mind as “f*ck yea, if I wash the dishes I don’t have to worry about it anymore, AND my sink’s going to be clean.”

Who knows, it might inspire us to clean our kitchen.. which might lead to us cleaning our apartment (this is what we call momentum, but we can talk about that later).

This applies to work too. Sending out emails is a small, tedious task that isn’t exactly hard, but we make it out to be MUCH bigger in our heads – once we do it, it’ll build the momentum to do other things.

Remember, you create your own reality. Pay attention to how you talk to yourself.


So You Made a To-Do List..


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