Own Your Accomplishments


Self promotion is an important tool for growing - it’s not bragging if it’s facts :)

We’re not saying to talk about how great you are all day every day, but you need to be comfortable talking about your accomplishments in situations where it could help - like when applying for a job, or meeting a potential client.

Make sure your accomplishments are recognized. If you don’t tell people what you’ve done, how will they know?

Your accomplishments don’t speak for themselves, you need to speak for them.

When talking about yourself, be straight-forward and stick to the facts. Don’t add fluff like “I hate to brag..”. This does nothing but draw attention to the fact that what you might say could be a turnoff, adding doubt in the other person’s head.

Self promotion is a skill that you need to get comfortable with. The more you do it, the more natural it’ll feel.


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Confidence v. Arrogance